Chicken Medications

Chicken Medications

Can you medicate chickens? At Melbourne Chicken Vet we sell chicken medications and poultry products. Click “Medications for chickens.” For egg layers Chicken Vet sell over the counter chicken wormers that have no withholding period, which means the eggs are safe to eat while your chicken is bring treated by a poultry wormer . For…

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Chickens: Chronic Respiratory Disease (CRD)

Chicken Respiratory Disease (CRD)

What is Chronic Respiratory Disease in Chickens? CRD is one of the most common causes of disease in backyard hens seen at the chicken vet. Classic Chronic respiratory disease (CRD) occurs when chickens and turkeys that are infected with Mycoplasma gallisepticum are stressed. The bacteria then causes Respiratory disease. Mycoplasma gallisepticum is contagious and can…

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Chicken Coccidiosis | Cocci in birds

Chicken Vet Checkup

Treatment of Coccidiosis in Chickens Coccidiosis in Chickens is is caused by a protozoa. The chicken coccidia lives and infects various sites in the intestine and damages the intestinal lining. With a heavy infection birds loose weight, have diarrhoea, sometimes have red blood in the droppings and even death. Poultry Vets have found that coccidia…

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Caring for Chickens


Quick Facts About Chickens: Incubation period: 21 days Point of lay: 16-20 weeks Life expectancy: 6 years but if well cared for some live past 10 years. General Description of Keeping Chickens Keeping chickens has seen a resurgence in recent years as internet age urban dwellers discover the pleasure of reconnecting with their rural roots.…

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