CT Scan in Birds

Parrot CT Scan

CT (Computed Tomography) in birds is a diagnostic imaging tool used to visualise the internal structures of the little avian body in detail. It is available at Bird Vet Melbourne in Burwood. The Bird-veterinary CT scan works by taking multiple X-ray images from different angles and then using a computer to reconstruct a three-dimensional image…

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Avian Influenza


What is Avian Influenza? Avian Influenza (commonly known as “Bird Flu”) is a highly contagious viral infection in birds that is most commonly seen in poultry. Infections are considered either highly pathogenic (HPAI) or low pathogenic (LPAI).  HPAI is serious and can be expected to cause up to a 100% death rate in affected birds. …

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Laser Therapy in Birds

laser therapy

Bird Laser Therapy. Laser therapy For birds. Photobiomodulation or Laser therapy for birds is used in the treatment of conditions in birds that benefit from reduced pain, reduced inflammation and more rapid healing. Laser in birds, simply put, reduces pain, inflammation and accelerates healing. Our avian patients seem to enjoy the Avian-Laser therapy sessions. Parrot-laser…

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Marek’s Disease Vaccination


Here at Bird Vet Melbourne, we offer vaccination against Marek’s Disease in chickens. Marek’s Disease is caused by a cancer-forming virus that affects the nerves, often resulting in leg paralysis in young birds. There is a vaccine available but it is not always effective in every individual bird. Information about the vaccine. (Last updated March…

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Chicken Wormer- Flubenol


Chicken Wormer- Flubenol Having a safe effective chicken wormer like Flubenol makes managing internal parasites much easier. Our chicken veterinary team needs an effective drug for controlling worms in chickens. Flubenol is that drug because it is broad-spectrum in its activity against Ascasidia – Round Worm Heterakis – Round worm Capillaria – a difficult round-worm…

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Exzolt treatments for Chicken Red Mite


Exzolt is an effective treatment for red mite infestations in chickens. It kills the red-mites and can be given to egg-laying birds and there are no withholding periods for eggs. The benefits are: Exzolt efficacy in eliminating poultry red mites Exzolt is easy to dose both orally and in the water to eliminate poultry fowl…

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Bird Boarding Melbourne

Bird Boarding

Bird Boarding in Melbourne Most reputable pet bird boarding facilities require Bird-boarding or Bird-Vet Health checks for two reasons: To ensure that the owner can go on holiday with confidence that their Pet-bird is healthy to board. Having Your avian vet available for your pet-bird whilst you are away in an emergency gives added reassurance.…

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Moxidectin Wormer for Birds


Bird Safe Wormer Maintaining your birds health health with Bird-Moxidectin called Moxi-Vet. An effective bird wormer used in chickens, parrots, pigeons and other birds. Bird-Moxidectin is often part of the medications in a healthy flock. Click Here To Purchase Moxidectin Benefits of Moxidectin For Birds Parrot and chicken Parasite Control: Bird-Moxidectin is an effective treatment…

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Parrot School

Parrot School

Parrot School Melbourne Bird-Parrot School – The Secrets of Parrot Training Introduction to Parrot-School With years of bird training experience, Melbourne Bird Parrot School is the best way to help you and your feathered companion live together harmoniously. Both Mel Vincent and John Newell have a lifetime of parrot-school involvement. At Melbourne Bird Parrot School,…

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Xanthomas in Birds


Tumors: Xanthomas in Birds By Gregory Rich, DVM; Rick Axelson, DVM The Following Article and Photos are By Gregory Rich, DVM; Rick Axelson, DVM Xanthomas are discrete masses or diffuse, thickened areas of skin that are a yellowish-orange color with a dimpled surface. They are accumulations of fat and cholesterol that are primarily seen in…

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