Beak and Feather Disease

Beak and Feather Disease

Avian Vet Treatment for Beak and Feather Disease

Circovirus / Psittacine (PBFD) is a tiny virus that can cause devastating disease, including damage to feathers, beaks and the immune system, especially in cockatoos and parrots, where it is called Psittacine Beak and Feather Disease (PBFD). Strains of the virus can also cause disease in canaries, pigeons and other bird species. The disease is not catchy to humans or other animals.

The virus is secreted in droppings and feather dust of beak and feather disease infected birds; it survives well in the environment and is resistant to many disinfectants. Most birds are infected through contact with the circo virus when they are young but new research suggests that, in rare cases, infected hens may transmit the virus vertically i.e. to their eggs when they are forming and then to their chicks.

Signs and progress of PBFD will vary depending on what species is affected and when the bird acquires the infection in relation to their moult cycle. Young birds are more susceptible to beak and feather  infection than older birds, especially in Australia where the virus is widespread and most young birds, especially those that are wild caught, will have had some exposure to the virus and have either developed immunity or contracted the disease early in life. The virus affects keratin (beak and feather protein) formation and may suppress the bird’s immune system.


Circovirus in Different Species

Budgies commonly lose their flight feathers only instead of the total feather losses seen in parrots. These birds are commonly called “runners” or “bullets” as they are still quite active and will run around the bottom of the cage.

Lorikeets, like budgies may just lose their wing and tail feather. If this happens in juvenile birds it is not uncommon for feathers to regrow the following year and for the bird to go on to be normal. Unfortunately these birds usually still shed the virus even if they appear normal and pose a risk to other birds. In other cases lorikeets may lose feathers all over their body, these birds rarely regrow feathers but may go on to live many years.

Parrots generally. In addition the typical signs described above for cockatoos, budgies and lorikeets, parrots generally can show a range of signs associated with the disease. There may be any degree of feather loss from a mild mottled appearance to severe loss; feathers may or may not appear stunted or deformed or new feathers formed after infection may be coloured differently (e.g. from green to yellow or white feathers may appear). Beaks may, or may not be eroded, overgrown or damaged.

Canaries. A specific strain of circovirus different to the ones that cause disease in parrots can cause death and ill health in nestling canaries. It  usually shows up at age 10-20 days and is one of the causes of ‘Black Spot’ in canaries, so called because an enlarged liver or gall bladder can be seen as a black spot on the abdomen of affected birds.

Pigeons may be affected with a specific strain of  circovirus that typically does not cause feather damage but damages the immune system and leaves the birds more susceptible to other infections.  

Diagnosing Circovirus

Advanced cases of circovirus, particularly in parrots and cockatoos can often be suspected based on history and clinical appearance. For confirmation Bird Vet Melbourne forwards diagnostic tests (usually PCR) on blood or feathers to an external Laboratory.

Treatment of Beak and Feather Disease

Unfortunately there is no consistently effective treatment for circovirus and birds with the beak and feather birds continuing  to shed the virus and pose a risk if other birds come into contact with them.

Over the years trials on many drugs have been undertaken (including e.g. interferon trial done at bird vet Melbourne) but none of these therapies  have consistently reversed disease in birds already showing signs of the illness. In many cases, with good care, birds with circovirus can live comfortable lives for many years, e.g. a cockatoo at our clinic that had had circovirus as a youngster and had lost almost all of his feathers lived more than 40 years. More often, birds show signs of secondary illnesses and/or owners decide that the quality of life is poor and elect to have them euthanased.

Prevention of Beak and Feather Disease

Beak and feather disease can be contracted through direct contact with infected or carrier birds or contact with the virus which may remain viable in the environment for many months or possibly years. Care should be taken to keep bird species that can contract circovirus, especially young birds whose immune systems are not fully developed, away from birds known to have circovirus or the environment where they have lived (e.g. old nest boxes). Circovirus is resistant to many disinfectants, we recommend, through cleaning followed by the use of F10. A vaccine for circovirus has been made but is not currently available.


  1. Doreen jones on June 1, 2023 at 1:38 am

    My pink and grey is 9months old he is talking eating and pooping normal the only sign was he grew no tail feather and has a dusty smell. I have had a blood test done and it was positive. If I keep him away and in contact with other bird would he be ok. Or is it best to euthanasia him. I do have 2 other birds in the same room. And handle many others as I’m a wildlife carer. Will they all be ok if he does not be in contact with him.

    • Stephen on March 11, 2024 at 8:59 pm

      We have a sulphur crested cockatoo who was wild rescued 25 years ago and been under the care of Adrian Galagher at Brisbane Bird Vet. A couple of months ago.he lost all the keratin in his top beak which is now a build up of old scar tissue and other debris. he has had a very happy well cared for life on pelleted food. We are now treating him for a bacterial sinus infection and if the prognosis is good he will live many more years. We are hand feeding him with a mixture of Neo Care almond meal and manuka 300+ mgo honey.until he learns to eat with his missing top beak. At night he sleeps in the laundry heated to 30c. Cocky has always been kept separate from our other birds on his own veranda. He is the most affectionate and loving bird. There is no need to euthanase pbfd birds if they are given a good loving home and the correct care. Cocky has atypical pbfd and is probably at least 26. Cocky is now under the care of Dr Vanessa at Redcliffe Exotics Vet since Adrians retirement

      • Mel on May 5, 2024 at 9:47 am

        That’s so very encouraging, my little sulphur crested (skippy) has just been diagnosed and she is only 6 months old, she is a delightful little girl, and lives free in our home with her two best friends (the dogs) the thought of losing her is unbearable, but I will be happy if she can be with us for the rest of her life and we will make her life as happy and fulfilled as possible, we love her dearly . Good luck Cocky x

  2. Giorgia Soteriou on June 24, 2023 at 7:44 pm

    Hi i just bought an African Grey 2 months old and i asked from veterinarian to make a DNA test my parrot is positive to circovirus deease the Dr also told ke that is going to die before gets one yrs old, what can i do? Looks fine eating playing I cannot believe there is nothing to do. Pls advise

  3. Orlena Charleston on December 11, 2023 at 9:11 am

    We live on 15 acres in nth centralvvic. We have a cocktail that is living very close to the house and climbs down his tree and walks to the seed pods We pick gor him, he cannot fly and is beginning to lose his feathers. My husband saw another one with a long beak yesterday, what can we do.

  4. Ingrid on December 12, 2023 at 8:08 pm

    Why is the vaccine not available that’s terrible in Sydney so many birds are ravaged with it. What can we do to make it available

  5. Denise Lette on September 29, 2024 at 11:20 am

    I’m feeding a cocky sunflower seeds it’s managing the beak is crooked like to trim it but don’t want to hurt it , if I take to vet they probably put it down poor bird feeling sad

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