Chicken Medications
Can you medicate chickens?
At Melbourne Chicken Vet we sell chicken medications and poultry products.
Click "Medications for chickens."
For egg layers Chicken Vet sell over the counter chicken wormers that have no withholding period, which means the eggs are safe to eat while your chicken is bring treated by a poultry wormer .
For egg layers Chicken Vet sell over the counter chicken cocci medications that have no withholding period, which means the eggs are safe to eat while your chicken is bring treated by a chicken medication for coccidiosis.
At the poultry vet we sell over the counter products for Leg mites – the products are NOT registered for egg laying chickens .
For egg layers Chicken Vet prescribe chicken antibiotics, for our patients or a backyard flock under our care , that have NO withholding period, which means the eggs are safe to eat while your chicken is bring treated.
Did you now that the most common species we see at this clinic is the pet Chicken.
The range of chicken drugs and chicken flock medications is updated regularly.
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